Athletes in Motion

Sarah Crane Check in #1 - Triathletes Journey - Athletes In Motion Podcast Ep 040

Tom Regal and Kenny Bailey Season 3 Episode 40

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It’s our first check-in with Sarah to see how the training has been coming along!

 As with most, there has been a few hiccups along the way with allergies and schedules but a triathlon transition training session has reinforced her excitement!


Shout out to Abby Daunis at Peak Temp Physical Therapy!

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Welcome to the athletes in motion podcast from race to recovery. With your hosts, Tom regal and Kenny Bailey.

Tom Regal:

Hey, Kenny, how you doing?

Kenny Bailey<br>:

I'm doing fantastic. Tom, how are you?

Tom Regal:

I'm fantastic as well. We are back here with Sarah. We're checking in to see how she's doing. We're what a month in to your training. Since we talked to you last time trying to like we didn't look at the calendar first. Give me some background on that. But so how are things going?

Sarah Crane:

They're going pretty well. I really enjoyed I actually this weekend got to join Tom, your transition workshop, which was very helpful. Very helpful to go over what equipment is needed as a first timer. What isn't needed?

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Yeah, that's probably most important, right? It's

Tom Regal:

probably a lot of time on that. What what not to bring? Yes, yeah.

Sarah Crane:

What not to bring what to actually bring what different races need, because there are different people doing different lengths. And so I think that was important to hear as well. And then it's been pretty good. I did have my first little bit of an injury, so maybe we'll blame it on Kenny.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Yeah, I probably should bring it up. I did bring it up is my fault. He does.

Sarah Crane:

All the time. Yeah, my shoulder flared up a little bit with swimming. Probably for about a week and a half. It was just bothering me my left shoulder every time I would swim. Only on freestyle. I could swim the other strokes and be fine. It's better now and I talked to a physical therapist who was at the triathlon Expo and also at the transition workshop, Abby, figure out that I wasn't I wasn't maybe rotating enough since I'm right dominant. I wasn't rotating enough and maybe kind of using it in a weird way. So that has seemed to help. And I'm enjoying running now that it's warm. More.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

So how far are you away right now from from your race.

Sarah Crane:

So I am probably about six weeks. It's May 21. So maybe a little over six weeks.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Okay. And of the three disciplines. I mean, you know, you had kind of a challenge with swimming. It sounds like running is getting better are the three disciplines which one? Do you feel like you're doing? Like there's always it always feels like a neglected child. Like one of the three at least for me? It does. Yeah, is there you feel like you've neglected child are they all coming along nicely.

Sarah Crane:

Probably the reading is my neglected child, even though I'm enjoying it more. I really enjoy the swimming. I really enjoyed the biking I will say I haven't gotten in as many long rides as I would really like to I'm kind of just writing at the minimum of what I need to be doing according to training, which is probably fine. But I'd like to make some more time for that. That one feels like it takes longer for me to kind of get because I live in it in an urban setting like I'm recommended. Yeah, so Nashville. So I either need to load up my bike and drive somewhere or I ride out to a greenway. I went and rode down and Franklin this weekend, which was really nice, though.

Tom Regal:

How many? How many rides are you getting in a week? Just the weekend ride?

Sarah Crane:

Usually a short one during the week like after work now that it's staying light longer and longer weekend ride? Okay.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

How is the balance with sort of priority of work and you know, other things and trying to do that? Have you told your friends like no, I have to go for a run? And are they aware of it now? I mean, sometimes you have to train other people about you trying to train

Sarah Crane:

they are aware of it now my um my family has very much been enjoying listening to the podcast and apparently my aunt and uncle listen to it. So shout out mom and dad or my brother in law my uncle Tina Marie. But no they listen to you and said me and how to Sir have time to do anything because I work I'm in grad school and I'm shooting for this. So the thing I was talking about with one of my friends who I swim with this morning is I feel like it makes me really discipline my time more than if I didn't have triathlon and I do think it gives me kind of a reason to say hey, yeah, I do have this like I have to go do this or I have to go do that and what going for a run or going for a bike and fitting time around that. It's also nice, like we talked about last time is on the podcast that I do some of it with friends. So it does give munity time.

Tom Regal:

Yeah, you get that social aspect at least. So you can train Yeah. And they kind of missing that. Yeah, and

Kenny Bailey<br>:

there's their, you know, try triathlon is a lonely sport at the same time, you have like a crew behind you, or people that are, you know, supporting you and helping you and all that. So. And as long as they understand that, right, like, hey, you know, my priority right now is going to be a run. I know, I'll you know, I'll meet you later. But right now, it's, it's, I gotta get my run in. And for them to be able you or for them to say, hey, you need to get your running. That's even better. Right? So yeah,

Tom Regal:

forget them to help. Sure. Yeah.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Looking forward over the next few weeks, you start ramping a bit, right?

Sarah Crane:

Yes, I will. And I, it's a little bit tricky, because my work schedule is really busy in April. But knowing that I have three weeks in May is kind of nice to just know, it's not right after my busy work schedule. But it's also kind of nice for me, I think, to stay consistent. As I'm almost done with classes, I have about three weeks left with my grad school classes, about three weeks left of our program. So my goal is to stay consistent, like through those weeks, but make sure that I'm really scheduling it in because I know that's been one that was one challenge earlier was if I didn't really make sure it was scheduled in it would be easy to go. I don't have to do that today. Yeah. Yeah.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Optional. So So that's so that's awesome. So you get that three weeks to kind of be able to do that. You mentioned your PT, I think it was out of necessity. Are you finding like, are you trying to make sure from a from a food perspective? Or from like, Are you rolling? Are you stretching? Are you do all those good things? Are you are you making sure you're taking care of yourself? Do you need to design something that's like oh, like? Or is that something that you're more cognizant of?

Sarah Crane:

It's something I find that I've been only doing when my body tells me I need it like, Oh, I'm feeling achy, I should probably stretch. But this morning at the pool, I saw someone who was stretching before he got in the pool and warming up. And I was like, I remember when I used to do that. That would probably be a good idea.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

By the way, I don't do it at all either. So terrible. You can start going right so

Tom Regal:

the Tom, that was the beginning of my talk at the expo was the fact that like you watch these professional athletes are warming up and they're playing, you know, like NFL, like you're gonna, you're gonna play they're gonna play for 20 minutes and a three hour stretch. These guys are doing two hours of warm ups beforehand. And we go out there and just crush things right out of the gate without even thinking about warming up. I'm just like, oh my god, we just solar minutes move.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

They go. Well, Sarah, we're excited. You're, you're you're halfway through it sounds like you know, you're dealing you're you're dealing with the issues head on, you understand sort of the the challenge of balance. I think like you said, well, we'll check in right before you're right before your race to make sure that you're still alive and ready to go. Oh, question. This is a pool swim on this one or is it a for Okay, yeah, so the next one is going to be the open water.

Sarah Crane:

Open water on this second. Okay,

Kenny Bailey<br>:

so is the wind is a wetsuit get introduced? Is it going to be after? It's like I don't even want to see one until after the first race or are you?

Sarah Crane:

I think I'm just gonna do a try kit is my open water swim is in June in Nashville. Perfect. Yep. So I think it'll be warm enough. I did talk about that. Some we talked about that summit. Tom's workshop this weekend, though. So I, I mean, as of right now, that's the plan.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Okay. Well, don't stick with the plan. Yes,

Tom Regal:

well, we there's a couple of opportunities for the open water training at Addison beach. So you'll be able to swim in the tri kit and see how it feels and just know that you're gonna have a current along with it, but the water will be certainly getting close to that warm temperature. By that I mean by May. It's going to be Saturday, it's gonna be it's gonna be costly. So usually everyone that's wearing a wetsuit for the for that race is mainly because they want the buoyancy and they want to float a little bit faster. That's about it. But it's still got to take it off. You're gonna run up the hill, or you're going to run up the hill and to transition in it so yes, plus is mine. We start singing running up that hill or is that yeah, start singing.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

That's a copyright violation. Okay, push today. Okay. Yeah, play that and

Tom Regal:

actually, we should have that going to be hilarious. Just on repeat. Yeah, it goes keeps going on to the last swimmers. Nice. Well, that's great and Any other tips things that you've, you've learned to fit in with this whole thing to share.

Sarah Crane:

Um, one tip that you showed me this weekend, Tom that I thought was great. And we don't have well, I guess we're on video as a recording, but people want as they're listening might not hear this, but was to roll your socks down in to make the transition faster and have them sitting right in your tennis shoes ready to go have your helmet open like unclipped and put your sunglasses and anything you want to put into your pockets in your kit, like put those inside of your helmet. So they're ready to go. And you have to put them on. So there you go. That was just like a logical tip. And I think the other thing is just staying consistent. That's what I've heard from a couple people is just and you all have reiterated is just stay consistent in what you're doing. And that'll serve you well.

Tom Regal:

Yeah, there you go. Cool. Oh, good. Well, well, we'll check in in a little bit. We'll give a quick shout out to Abby, Donna's at peak tempo, physical therapy since she was the one that gave you some of some assistance on that. So she's fantastic. And thanks, everybody. Keep, make sure you subscribe so you can follow follow along with the whole journey. And the whole athlete triathletes journey and keep giving us the comments and thumbs up five stars, all that good stuff. So we appreciate it. And Sarah, be well and we'll talk to you again soon.