Athletes in Motion

Sprint Episode - The Athletes Journey EP 037 - Athletes in Motion Podcast

March 07, 2023 Tom Regal and Kenny Bailey Season 3 Episode 37

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We are excited to announce our Triathlete’s Journey Series! 

We will be following three amateur athletes, Sarah, Jordon, and Elizabeth on their quest to compete in a triathlon event. They will be sharing their highs, lows, challenges, and victories.  

The series starts in March and runs through October.  Check out this episode to learn more! 

and subscribe to our channels so you don't miss out on their journey this year!

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Episodes Sponsored by:
TriTomR Endurance LLC


Welcome to the athletes in motion podcast from race to recovery. With your hosts, Tom Regal, and Kenny Bailey.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Hey, Tom, how are you?

Tom Regal:

I'm fantastic. Kenny, how are you?

Kenny Bailey<br>:

I'm doing fantastic.

Tom Regal:

Well, we're on our way with the sprint series. This is like, I think the third or fourth one, right at this point. And we wanted to get everyone up to speed on a new project that we're doing that's part of this sprint series. Yes. It's gonna be a combination of things, but we're speaking with some athletes, and we're gonna follow them on their journey. So we call this the

Kenny Bailey<br>:

triathletes journey. Yes. Title.

Tom Regal:

got that out of the way. Yeah. So it's

Kenny Bailey<br>:

exciting. So what we've decided to do was, look, we contacted three or four athletes. We wanted to take people that were just everyday people, people were that, you know, they're not elite athletes. They're not pros. These are folks that are that have decided that triathlon was something they wanted to try. Yep. We were fortunate enough to get three people to sign up.

Tom Regal:

Yeah, we started with we thought one would be a good a good path to follow. And we had so many responses that we went with three. Yes.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

So we have our first guest is going to be Sarah. Sarah is somebody local here in Tennessee. She's going to be doing her first sprint and her first Olympic distance triathlon first timer, so that what we're going to be doing is we're going to talk to her in upcoming episodes, just get kind of an introduction to kind of figure out what she's doing, why she decided to sign up for this sort of stuff. And then what we're going to do over the course of the next few weeks over the course of the next few months, is we'll follow Sarah, through her journey, we'll we'll check in with her, we'll see how she's doing mid training, we'll see how she's doing right before the race, we'll talk to her after the race and how it went and what things she would change. So that one's gonna be great. And then we also have Jordan, if you want to

Tom Regal:

start off with Jordan Jordan is doing his first 70.3. And he'll be doing this summer. So we're gonna do the same thing with him. So we'll have a startup, sit down, get to know his story, get to know he's up and about, and then follow him through his progression through training. So you got to see these kind of flip flop like one episode will be a check in with with one and we'll check in with the other. So it's, it's going to be exciting. Yeah. And then our last one. Yeah. As Elizabeth Elizabeth, on big time.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Yeah. So Elizabeth, tried to do the Ironman California last year, unfortunately, got pulled from, from the course because of time. That's right. That's right. And so what she's done this year, she hired a coach, and she's bound and determined to get to Ironman California, and that's an October. So what we're gonna be doing, again, is following her, throughout the weeks, we're gonna talk to her coach, we're going to talk to her. And what we're excited for is just this human element of of doing this, these are everyday people that are trying to figure out how to balance a job, how to balance a family life, how to balance training, you know, the ups and downs, this isn't a everything's good, this is lovely, it's going to be Yeah,

Tom Regal:

it's gonna be the good, bad and the ugly, we made a promise that we want to hear the good stuff. But we also want to hear the bad stuff. So we want to hear the struggles we want to hear. When things go off the rails when life took over, and you didn't get to training, we want to know that part of it so that we feel that that's more relatable to for us, because that's reality. I mean, that's what we go through ourselves every every, every year.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Yeah. And what we want to talk about is some some, maybe some ideas and suggestions. So if there is an issue, for example, we'll bring on a trainer or if there's an injury person will talk to a physical therapist about how people can help do that. So it's also an education for for, for our audience to be able to say, Okay, if you're in that situation as well, what are some things you can do to help change that? What are some days, things you can do to help

Tom Regal:

and if you were daunted by the task, or the idea of actually going down this path to do any one of these races, this kind of help walking you through that everyone's going through the same way. And this kind of gives you a, you know, hopefully a roadmap that you can do your own.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Yeah. And that's why we call it a triathletes journey. Because it is a journey. It's not, it's not a straight line. You know, do this. It goes great. It goes well, I think we all know that. Yeah. So and

Tom Regal:

social media would allow you to differently about it. It's like, oh, it's perfect. I hired a coach. I did have training and knock it out. Everything felt great. Look at me. Yeah, it doesn't work out why sorry.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

So we're excited to bring a triathletes journey to you. We're excited to follow these three people. So Elizabeth and Jordan and Sarah. We're, we're humbled that they decided to join us. I think it's gonna be great tastic they're going to they're going to open themselves up to us and to you guys. And we'll, we'll see how this journey goes.

Tom Regal:

Yeah, so it'll be exciting. Give us any comments, questions, let us know what you're thinking. If as we go through this you're coming up with questions that you want to have answered on for the next show. Please get those, get those to us. You can, you can reach out on the website, you can get to us. I'm going to have a couple other things to contact our our Facebook site has actually been comment on the fight Facebook site, its athletes and motion. podcast has to be on there. It's time to arrest Instagram as well. So you can instant message us that way. Yeah, you can reach out to us a number of different ways. And we'll have some show notes that you can reach out to us as well get us those comments and questions and we'll try to answer those as the as we catch each other up some exciting Yeah, that'd be great. So appreciate it all. Thumbs up five stars. Give us some feedback on the show and how we're doing and yeah, great. We'll catch you on the next one.