Athletes in Motion
Athletes in Motion
Jordon Shaw Check In #1 - Athletes in Motion Podcast - The Triathletes Journey Ep 044
Jordon is part of our Triathlete’s Journey Series where is will be tackling his longest distance yet, a 70.3 Ironman in August.
In this episode, we catch up with Jordon and see how his training is going, what adaptations he's having to make to home and work schedules and how he's feeling - mentally and physically.
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Welcome to the athletes in motion podcast from race to recovery. With your hosts, Tom regal and Kenny Bailey.
Tom Regal:Hey, Kenny, how you doing today?
Kenny Bailey<br>:I am doing fantastic, Tom, how are you?
Tom Regal:I am fantastic as well. We want to welcome back Jordan, Jordon Shaw to the show for a follow up, visit Jordon, welcome back.
Jordon Shaw:Thank you. Glad to be here.
Tom Regal:Jordan is one of ours as a reminder to everybody one of our triathletes, Journey athletes who's doing our 70.3. And that's which remind us all again, so 70.3 is which one?
Jordon Shaw:Augusta? Ran Augusta? It's September 24.
Tom Regal:Okay, so we got time, we got a couple of months. So how's the training going? So far? When we last left you things were picking up? We're starting to get going. You're kind of moving along? How how's things feeling?
Jordon Shaw:So I officially started the training program yesterday. I've been training, you know, just off and on, but not any type of official program that started yesterday, my first swim back in the pool since August of last year. So that was interesting
Tom Regal:to watch. But not really training in the pool. Correct?
Jordon Shaw:Yeah. I haven't been swim training. I've been really good. Cycling. Yeah, it was it was interesting, because there was little kids doing their training practice and they were just blowing past me when I
Kenny Bailey<br>:say ticket swimming is the least of your three favorite is that would that be a fair statement?
Jordon Shaw:Yeah, so interesting enough. It was when I started, but I gotten to where I enjoyed it. It's just the differences. I can cycle and run at home and I had to go where
Kenny Bailey<br>:does it take a minute to get back in? Or how to? Or are you doing like a happy swim to start out with? Are you like doing two hundreds at a time? Or? Like
Jordon Shaw:the first day I did a 200 just getting used to things and then 25? What was it 25 by four with a 10 second rest for 500. And then a 100? cooldown.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Okay. How did it feel? To go out to get in didn't take
Jordon Shaw:it? Yeah. And you know, my arms got tight. And I was like, wow, this is like, Okay, that was only 800 yards. I gotta figure out how to do this a few more times. You get the full distance.
Kenny Bailey<br>:It was down river. So you just float for half of it. Right? That's the Yeah.
Jordon Shaw:That's what I've heard. That's what you
Tom Regal:That's the word on the street. Kenny really likes his down river swims.
Kenny Bailey<br>:And I love my down river swims. I'm not a swimmer. So I'm a really good floater. I could float like the best of them. So
Tom Regal:cool. So what other training what's what's your training program got you doing this week, since you're just kicking it off?
Jordon Shaw:Yeah, so this week is just getting into a rhythm of working out because I was previously when I was you know, working out to lose weight, I was working out almost daily, and then got through my Olympic distance in August and kind of shut up and not really shut off, but stopped working out on a consistent basis. And I was only doing you know, two to three days a week. And then life and everything else got in the way. So then I was down to one to two days a week. So now it's just about getting back into a consistent basis. So this week, six days on one day off is the rest day. Do that for a couple of weeks. Again, kind of get back in some Tehran's to cycle to swim each week, and then continue to increase the distance.
Tom Regal:Okay. Okay,
Kenny Bailey<br>:is it uh, do you feel like sometimes it's a mental thing to kind of get back in there that's more more strenuous than the actual physical part of it.
Jordon Shaw:100% Because, you know, it's interesting when I was working out to lose weight, I was prioritizing that workout. And then now I've gotten to where I started prioritizing the work and the family and everything else and you got to get back to that mindset. Hey, you prioritize it once before lost the weight. Now you got to do it again. So you don't die when it comes to the triathlon?
Kenny Bailey<br>:Is there any like mantras or anything you tell yourself like you know, like I It's May I my races in July so I'm like crap, it's me. Like there's no more room wiggle room to be like, Oh, I'm just gonna you know, this one's gonna be kind of a half pedal Do you? Or do you like look every Everyone Counts? Or how do you how do you kind of approach that? What's your what's your mantra?
Jordon Shaw:Yeah, it's really don't die is
Kenny Bailey<br>:Anyway, uh, started right here. Like, just don't do not dying. Okay, there we go move up to like, you know, get across the line. And then it's, you know, with any luck, you know, have people behind you, right? Is that the is that the pyramid that we're doing? That's exactly right. Hierarchy of like needs don't die
Jordon Shaw:don't die at baseline and don't die right now
Kenny Bailey<br>:some people start was just finished I just want to finish you're much more basic than that that's a good thing. So
Tom Regal:I like it, how's the family adjusting to the so they're gonna have to get used to the priority levels changing a little bit and how does that affect going through like based on where your kids are at school at this time of the year? How is all of that playing into it?
Jordon Shaw:Well, the good thing is that I can stay awake longer than they can. And I do a lot of my exercises really late at night. So you know, and that's the again, the thing about going to pool is that I have hours I have to go to the pool. So those I really have to prioritize, you know, around family and life and things like that. But the running and cycling, I can go up to my workout room midnight if I want to you and often do.
Tom Regal:Nice. Okay, so you're late night training instead of early morning training.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Yeah, that doesn't affect your sleep at
Jordon Shaw:all. It actually helps me because it takes everything that went on through the day that keeps me awake at night. And then I just get really tired when I workout. So I'll get that bed and I'm out. Oh, that's
Kenny Bailey<br>:perfect. Yeah, I mean, I'm in bed by nine. So how you do that is going to be a minor miracle. So as you as you start going into summer, things are gonna get hotter. Vacations are gonna line up. Do you have vacation scheduled? Is that something that you're kind of keeping an eye on? Or how do you handle those?
Jordon Shaw:Yeah, so um, you know, as I was talking to you guys for a motorhome the last time our vacations are in Orlando, that's typical place that we go to quite often. So like, I'll spend the whole month, the month of June and half of July in Orlando. But I know I can run I know, I actually have a cycling group that I meet up with down there as well, and then got a pool. So
Kenny Bailey<br>:you're saying it's actually better to purchase June and July to a certain extent. Right. So
Tom Regal:yes, that works out that works out really well. I mean, that's, that's perfect.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Exactly. Anything on the aches and pains part you kind of like you said, your shoulders or do you? Is there something that you need to look out for is there sort of like injuries that you've had in the past that you're trying to you're trying to compensate for trying to not be happy. I have
Jordon Shaw:recently been dealing with a little bit of a ache when I go out and run long distance and arch my foot. I've been fitted for shoes and all of that. And trying different forms. I think it's the form that I'm running in. So do a little research on that. And the last time I went out, it did help quite a bit bit. Just trying to make sure I'm doing the proper form, you know, there. There's a reason I say get in the proper form when you're doing these events. Yeah.
Tom Regal:Yeah, yeah, that helps tremendously. Which shoes are you? Are you running in? What's your favorite shoes?
Jordon Shaw:Brooks ghost are the ones that I'm running. I have a really narrow foot, okay. And I tried to hook us and they were comfortable, but they weren't narrow and that they felt too big. Okay, so the ghosts seem to work really? Well.
Tom Regal:Heck, yeah. You're gonna run through them pretty quickly. So
Kenny Bailey<br>:pardon the pun. Yeah. See what he did?
Tom Regal:On purpose. See what I did. That was all good. What else was I going to ask? I had another question. I just lost my train of thought.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Do I just go through the whole wetsuit kind of questions to like, you know, what do you rock and we'll make this like the Met Gala. So
Tom Regal:how do you use what are you wearing today? Yeah. Any other equipment that you'd like to plug in? We're going to try to get sponsors from.
Jordon Shaw:So right now my try suit is just a $40 when I got off Amazon because
Tom Regal:Amazon, please sponsors
Jordon Shaw:the Atlantic, but when I go to the big stays for Augusta, I'm going to get a zoot but I'm waiting because I feel like I'm in that between the medium and large. And I feel like as I train more, I'll go back down to that medium. Waiting for an order and I have no good at all.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Okay, that's right, because it's gonna be in the summer, right? So you should be no shouldn't
Tom Regal:need one. Yeah, you shouldn't need one. But so how's the how's the nutrition going in the weight loss going? Are you able to maintain when you were when you were sort of the offseason training? I'll say the offseason physical activity was that were you able to maintain your weight loss and go through that? Without anything drastic, having to do anything drastic. And how's that as you're getting to the training again?
Jordon Shaw:Yeah, so since my lowest lowest point I've probably put on 10 to 15 pounds, it kind of fluctuates there. But I have maintained since May of last year, that range nice. I have been maintaining. And again, I haven't been as physically active as I was at that lowest point. So getting back to that, I feel like I'll quickly get back there.
Tom Regal:Sure answer, and that's natural for your body to put on some weight anyway, in the offseason. In fact, they always say that it's healthy for you to do that to actually put a little bit extra on, not extra, but actually to have a couple of pounds, get on, get out to that point. And then that allows your, your body to be ready as you get into the next training cycle. So that's perfectly normal. So yeah, that's all good.
Kenny Bailey<br>:On your training plan, when is openwater going to be introduced?
Jordon Shaw:That's a good question. I don't know I do have a coach that I'm working with. It's putting together the training plan. I'm going like I said, I'm spending all of June and July and Florida. Yeah, they there's a pool there. But I want to try to do some sprints that might have some open water components. There you go.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Do you have an issue like going between fresh water and open water? Are you generally indifferent to the whole thing?
Jordon Shaw:I don't know that I have enough experiences
Kenny Bailey<br>:it's actually good to be bliss. It let's just put it that way right? Out Kurt. Like I just you know, you're not fighting like some foot swells in Florida on the ocean. So you'll be
Jordon Shaw:two lakes at this point, open water and a bunch of pools. And I'm a
Tom Regal:ocean. Well, it sounds
Kenny Bailey<br>:like you know, yeah. So it sounds like you know, your nutrition. You know, you're kind of you're getting gearing everyone sort of planning, right? You're starting to sort of seep into the mindset, Sir. Sir. Kind of settling in, if you will. And let the you know, kind of let the process unfold. Right. That'd be a fair segment.
Jordon Shaw:Yeah, absolutely.
Tom Regal:Cool. Good. Good. Excited. I mean, it's, it's,
Jordon Shaw:I'm excited as well.
Tom Regal:How many weeks? Do you know the number of weeks?
Jordon Shaw:I don't know the number of weeks. It's five months from the 24th.
Kenny Bailey<br>:So okay, yeah, you're in early stages. It'll be fun. So you'll Yeah, they believe basically. Right.
Tom Regal:So that's really good. So we'll, we'll look forward to checking in with you again, and a few weeks into the next phases of your your training plan. So we're looking forward to that. So this is this this program that we put together I think we're really excited about because we're following some really cool people. That through the journey,
Jordon Shaw:really cool.
Kenny Bailey<br>:Really interesting people to really Georgian people. Yeah. Jordan. Jordan. Yeah,
Tom Regal:we're, we're super excited about it. Because I mean, you guys are going through what we've gone through ourselves. And we're hoping that our listeners were will actually relate to really well. And so far, it's been positive feedback. Everyone's been enjoying this part of it. Just as we're getting started. We're literally what we've had one check in. This is our this is our check in with you. We just launched a Elizabeth's introduction. So for our Ironman athletes, so everyone's just getting to know her. So it's just, it's unfolding quite nicely. So we're pretty excited. And we want to thank you again, Jordan, for participating in this and sharing your story with us because we love it. It's, this is fantastic. And thank you, everyone for all your support and your notes, your feedback, thumbs up five stars, all the good stuff. Spread the word. Let everybody knows, subscribe. Subscribe again, subscribe some friends, add some people did I say subscribe? Everyone should subscribe so they can follow along with this because occasionally, there's a button someplace. I think I'm supposed to point out for YouTube, right? For Yeah, it's I'll put it someplace one of these. And, and great. Enjoy the journey and join us on this on this fun thing. So, Jordon, thank you again. Appreciate it. Kenny and for everyone. We'll catch you on the next one.