Athletes in Motion

Mafe Senosain Check in #2 - A Triathlete's Journey - Athletes in Motion Podcast

July 16, 2024 Tom Regal and Kenny Bailey Season 4 Episode 71

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We catch up With Mafe Senosian again and see how her training is going. We discuss strategies for managing injuries and adapting to challenges in triathlons and see how it went as she switched from flat to clipless pedals! Also lots of thoughts on making transitions smooth and easy.

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Welcome to the athletes in motion podcast from race to recovery with your hosts Tom regal and Kenny Bailey. You

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Hey, Tom, how are you?

Tom Regal:

I'm fantastic. Kenny, how are you?

Kenny Bailey<br>:

I am fantastic because we have mafi here with us, and we are doing an update on our triathlete journey. Mafi, welcome back.

Mafe Senosian:

Hey. Thanks for having me again. Sure.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

So for those folks that are following along, we are following three athletes this year on our trithlete journey. And mafi is one of our athletes that has agreed to share her life with us, her goods, her bads, her whiskey, everything, really, so, so I believe last time we talked Mafe, you were not quite at the you had two triathlons on your belt so far since we've had a chance to tan. Is that? Yeah? Okay, so you had the women's, and then you just finished the one in downtown Nashville,

Mafe Senosian:

right? Yeah, the Music City.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Okay, so let's, let's, let's start. Let's start with starts. And our official athletes, emotion dog is available, so Rosie's up

Tom Regal:

here. She had to pop up today. Hi. So you get to share.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

So how, how did you, how did you approach the first one? What were your thoughts and feelings? And then as you're going through it and give us a spiel, yeah, yeah.

Mafe Senosian:

It's it's been quite eventful lately. So

Tom Regal:

we like,

Mafe Senosian:

yeah, yeah. So last time we talked, I just finished the marathon, the Rock and Roll Marathon. That's right. Starting with again, really good bike. I had a couple of fold with the bike, and now I feel more comfortable. But before that, I had a little accident with the bike. Nothing too dramatic. It was just very unfortunate. Um, so I was writing the day before the women's try. I was riding the turtle Nash but the small one, the nine miles, and in one part, everybody made a stop. I stopped. I lost my balance to one side. Then my right foot got trapped and lost my balance to the opposite side. So I sprained my ankle badly, yeah, so, and I heard a lot of pop at that moment. Pops aren't good. Yeah, pops aren't good. I hope that it was just like a joint crackling, but it was not. It was, uh, tear so, um, I wasn't able to run during the women's try, um, so I should addqua bike. I was hoping that it was just like a joint pop and like, whatever, the next day will be fine. It was, it was not shake it

Tom Regal:

off. Oh yeah, it's terrible. So it's always the day before. It's always the day before race, isn't it? But what's

Kenny Bailey<br>:

really cool is you just didn't, like, sit on the couch. You said, well, at least I can Aqua bite. Oh

Mafe Senosian:

no, no, I was, I was not going to go to urgent care that day because I thought probably they're gonna say, don't do anything. And I wasn't gonna do anything. So I said, like, I don't

Kenny Bailey<br>:

recommend that as an organization. We don't recommend that as a podcast. Always talk to your dollies, your doctor. Always listen to doctor,

Mafe Senosian:

yeah. Um, so I went to the urgent care after the race. Um, it was not bad. It was not swollen. It was not was a little bit swollen, but not that bad. I Oh, but I had to limp through transitions, and people look at me weirdly, like, what are you doing here? Why are you racing? Like, yeah, but, but it was fine. I enjoyed the race, and I'm glad that I was able at least to do two sports out of three. So, um, yeah, that's counting my blessings there. Yeah. Um,

Kenny Bailey<br>:

did you get a sense when you did the two, sort of, like, the pace or what you need to do for the transitions? At least that, that part of it, even though it's not all three, at least you got the experience of, like, okay, get off, do this and then go do this. Was that? Yeah, yeah. That

Mafe Senosian:

was very interesting. So I was not like, I have swam before. I said that in previous podcasts that I have a swimming background, so I never thought that swimming was going to be anything to worry about, not that it was. But once I was out of the water, it was crazy. To just run into the next part. It was like I felt like I was so disoriented, because whatever swarming meets is like, you're done after the pool, right, yeah, but not here. So it was very weird to Yeah, I was, I was, I learned a lot,

Tom Regal:

and that's a lot. That's a pretty long run from the pool all the way out to the transition area. So the the sportsplex out all the ways. This is a pretty decent run. So yeah, you're not, yeah, you're just hobbled across, yeah,

Kenny Bailey<br>:

but you got it done.

Mafe Senosian:

So I got it done. Yeah, nice. So

Kenny Bailey<br>:

how many? What was the time gap between the women's and the one this weekend? Was it two weeks, three weeks, two

Mafe Senosian:

weeks, two weeks. Okay, that was not ready yet to run after I went to urgent care. I also got checked by an orthopedist, and I'm doing right now. I'm doing rehab with Ross. That it's that. P I said, be ready. Be

Tom Regal:

ready. PT, yeah, okay, you're working with Ross,

Mafe Senosian:

yeah. So we're working on my uncle, but we're gonna see we have a next race I have is in Chattanooga two and a half weeks from now, so we're gonna see if I can run. I don't want to rush it, yeah, because I have a the Chicago Marathon in the fall, so I really want to get back in, like, be safe with my uncle before getting back to running. But it was, it was a great experience. Anyways, so the Music City, I also did Aqua bike, and I felt much better after, like, in the transition between the swim and the bike, I knew what I was gonna do now it was like, I knew it was gonna be crazy getting out of the water, running into the bike. So, yeah, it was not as shocking as the first time.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Was it river or because of your experience in the past, it wasn't that big of a deal. Or was it? Did it feel a lot different? I understand the river was lazing fast too, so, oh yeah, it

Mafe Senosian:

was very fast. The river was very fast. But, I mean, like, I don't know if getting out of pool was different. I don't know. I've never saw some in the river like for a competition. So, but still it was. I knew that it was gonna feel crazy swimming and then running and then getting to the bike, so I already knew that feeling. So that what. That's why this time it was not as shocking. Yeah,

Tom Regal:

definitely, definitely helps with that. So the ankle is just a sprain. You that's the official diagnosis on it. You didn't there's nothing else serious, but no, no

Mafe Senosian:

nothing bond related, the doctor said that there's definitely a tear because of the instability that he feels in my okay, right ankle, okay, um, so it's but it's not a full pair. Otherwise I wouldn't be walking. Got

Tom Regal:

it, yeah. Got it, yeah. So, so a little bit more severe than a than just a sprain, so sorry to definitely take care of cool.

Mafe Senosian:

So when, yeah, I've never experienced this before? Well,

Kenny Bailey<br>:

that's not good. Stupid bikes two and a half weeks before. It's the was it waterfront? What's it waterfront? Yeah, the waterfront, waterfront, yeah. When is decision time? Is it the is it the Friday before or or do you feel like you'll know pretty much, because you won't have, are you? Are you?

Tom Regal:

Can you do the Aqua bike again? Down there?

Mafe Senosian:

I will do the Aqua bike. I sign up for the Olympic I don't know if I want to, like, if I'm gonna be okay for running, I'll, I'll change it to straight. Definitely I'm not gonna do, I'm not gonna run six miles out of


Yeah, yeah,

Mafe Senosian:

but yeah, Ross has a plan for me. So are we gonna do a little test in before the race and see where am I if it's safe for me to run or not? Yeah? Yeah, there's

Kenny Bailey<br>:

a, you know, with with coming back from injury, the success that I've had before is where you do sort of a one minute run, four minute walk, one minute run, four minute walk, where you sort of lean into a little bit, and that isn't a terror. And. Thing by that nature. So obviously, listen to listen to that. But is it, is it, if you can't run, the whole thing is, is kind of a run walk an option, or is it, is it more black and white, where, if it's not ready to run, we're definitely not going to try to push

Mafe Senosian:

it with walking? Um, I felt like it was more like, let's see if I pass the test, because Russ has a test for that kind of injuries. And if I can do that, it's like basically jumping on one feet and then jumping side to side between a line. I know if I could do that,

Tom Regal:

fail that test, my hamstring would fall apart.

Mafe Senosian:

So if I don't feel any pain, and if I can do that, I don't know certain amount of time, I think it was like right now I cannot do that, but right now I can stand on one leg, which I couldn't like when I when this happens. So things are progressing good.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

So to go back to the you know, when you first did it, and I think it's a great testament to you that you just like, okay, so I can't do that. I'm like, I can Aqua bike. I mean, that's, that's an option as well. And for people that don't know what an aqua bike is, it's basically just a swim bike, right? Yep. So not just, but you just remove the run part, and you can do a swim bike. So what's cool about triathlons is, if, like you said, if, for some reason you can't do the swim, you go do a Duathlon, which is, you know, run and a bike, or you do a Aqua bike. Did you feel bummed? Did you or was it just, you know, this is kind of what it is now, now, this is what we need to do. Or kind of, what was the emotional? Was there a relative? Did you cry? Was there a rollercoaster? We didn't know if you cried?

Mafe Senosian:

Yeah, I was bomb. Of course. I was delusional at first, because the first, the moment that it happened, I thought Pearl it's just a small screen. I can, like, walk it off and, um, like, you have in the middle of the ride, I kept writing, and it's like, okay, it's gonna be fine. Um, and I didn't want it to change that that day that happened on Saturday. I went to package pickup. I didn't want it to change my registration that day, because I hope that by the next day I was going to be feel fine or a little a little bit better. So I changed my registration the same day in the morning, which I'm very glad that they allowed me to do that. Yeah. Well, I think,

Kenny Bailey<br>:

yeah. I mean, as everybody knows, you want to be able to go out and do what you're training to do. But if an injury does it, obviously, first and foremost, take care of your body. Take care of yourself. Do all that glory will come later. And if it's a B race or a C race, you know, take that into account where it is on your list, so that you do do it appropriately. You know, I appreciate the tenacity you have, and I always learn from people like you that, rather than just saying, Well, if I can't do it, then I can't do any of it. It's like, No, I'm just going to modify what I can do and go out and enjoy sort of the race in the capacity that I can do it. And that's that's a very, very good skill to keep. It's very good mindset to have. So I applaud you on that one. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Mafe Senosian:

Thank you. Yeah. It was, it was kind of sad at the beginning, because I spent a lot of months running, and that was a part of I thought, like, oh, 5k or in this case, like the first one is 4k was gonna be fine. It was gonna be easy. I even tested the speed that I wanted to go at, or the page that I wanted to go at the workout during that week track. I was feeling fine. But then, well, this happened. It's like, okay, but looking like I was, I was always thinking about the future. I like right now. I really want to enjoy the whole the Chicago Marathon, which is a one of the war majors, and it's huge. I want to be in good or decent shape for that, and not, not injured, right? Yes, yeah. And that's

Kenny Bailey<br>:

your a race. So, you know, put that on the board and do whatever you do to make sure that a race comes, right? That's, that's the thing, right?

Tom Regal:

Yeah, whenever we, whenever we work through injuries, we want to make sure that a It's not structural, we're going to do more significant damage down the road. So that's the first assessment. Is like, okay, that's bad, right? It's a tear. That's a little bit more significant than just a spraying. And that's where you have to make that personal decision on it, is like, where you're going to go with it. So if there's something that's going to cause more pain and suffering down the road, certainly 10 years, 15 years down the road, where you're still dealing with residual of an of an injury that you push through is not a good idea, yeah? So that's where it's just kind of like, yeah. Yeah, this is where you kind of, kind of got through it. But that's good that you've got Ross Gentry taking care of you. That's good side of things, and someone who obviously races himself. And, you know, it's nice when you get, you know professionals, medical professionals, that know what they're you know, know what you're going through, right? And kind of in that sense. So that's kind of that's kind of nice, good.

Kenny Bailey<br>:

Well, let's make sure that our next conversation is boring as hacking. All we do is talk about a race and not

Tom Regal:

about Mike. So what's your what does your training look like now? What? What can you do? Obviously, you can swim, but you can't kick your your leg very much, right?

Mafe Senosian:

I well the doctor and also Roz said it was fine for me swimming and swimming and biking. I feel a little bit of discomfort when I kick in the swim, but that was like only the five, the first five minutes I didn't feel anything during the Music City swim because it was so cold, everything went numb. So

Kenny Bailey<br>:

that's one idea, right? Yeah,

Tom Regal:

it was a nice

Mafe Senosian:

yeah. So right now I'm like, full on biking and swimming, which is, I guess it's good, because I was not feeling very comfortable on the bike. Now I'm getting more rides in. I am getting more comfortable with the speed, which is something that was very scary at the beginning for me. Like downhill, I'll like be pressing the the brakes all the time because I didn't feel comfortable with the speed. I felt like I let go a little bit more in this last race than the first race. So that's progress. And I also invested in by computer and cadence and speed sensors. Because I was like, Okay, I'm gonna do only biking. Mostly I just wanna see my data and enjoy it. And like, yeah, the valuable tool, the more, like, focus, focus training, and so, yeah, it's, it's more what I'm doing right now, like trying to get comfortable with the bike. Oh, I also changed from flat to quick pedals. That's

Tom Regal:

right, that's right. Yeah, equipped probably helps you a little bit. Yeah, probably congratulations, yeah,

Kenny Bailey<br>:

thank you, yeah, yeah. It just helps with just overall power and everything else. Oh, yeah.

Mafe Senosian:

It feels very different. Yeah. It feels very different. And I didn't switches, yeah, this issue at once to the to the road pedals. I right now I'm trying with month by pedals, which are a little bit easier to unclip this. These pedals are dual. They have a flat side and a clip side. So it's been fine for me to have that as a transition to clipping and clipping, yeah, and it's been and it's been good, yeah, that's

Kenny Bailey<br>:

a great idea, by the way. I mean, to your point, I mean sometimes those, I mean, I have a problem, and I've been doing this 20 years, you know that, you know, peddling and clipping out sometimes, on those, on those flat, you know, I have the, you know, Shimano ones, and they're, they're hard to get out sometimes. So, yeah, hard to snap in. So for

Tom Regal:

anyone that's trying to make that transition across to, as she's talking about, there's a nice, there's a perfect, it's, it's basically a mountain bike pedal. It's flat on one side, and it has the small, what's called the SPD, is what shamano calls it, uh, complete that you click into. So hey, if you need, if you don't want to clip in, boom, you just flip the pedal over, put your foot down, flat. It's great. It's really good if you want to get your foot off, if you're in traffic or something like that, and then when you want to power up a hill or do something and just flip the pedal the other direction, snap into it, and you're good to go. I mean, it's, it's, it's a real that's a really a smart move. Yeah, do that just, that's a good way to transition to being clipped in all the time. So that's great. I'm happy that you ended up doing that, so I think that works out really well for you. Yeah,

Mafe Senosian:

yeah, yeah. So far, it's good. I just not now I need to work on my ability of leaving the handles and grabbing a water bottle, because

Kenny Bailey<br>:

just kind of need to do that? Yeah, that's gonna be an important part.

Tom Regal:

Yeah, you might not need in a sprint, but you definitely, you're gonna definitely need to grab the water bottle at least once, once or twice in there. So, yeah, that is a skill in its own to figure that out. So good. We'll

Kenny Bailey<br>:

have you doing track stands. You know, by the end of the year, you'll be funny hopping curbs and yeah, waiting at stoplights like this, you know, like those obnoxious people that sit there and don't clip out of their

Tom Regal:

pedals pulling up. Peter Sagan moves on bike, there you go. Oh, outstanding. So good. Okay, so a little more training coming up, and then you'll make the decision. How many days out do you think from the. Races, you'll make the decision to switch to just Aqua bike or whatever, like, couple days before,

Mafe Senosian:

probably the week before, half a week before. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see cool. But next thanks. I have coming up is the swimming camp with Tom, yep, so that'll be a lesson I'm excited about

Tom Regal:

we're going to have a lot of fun. Yep, we're going to have a lot of fun with that pool and open water in North Carolina in the mountains. So good stuff. Looking forward to it. So lots of swimming, lots of swimming. So cool. Okay, so we'll catch up with you in a couple of weeks. We'll probably, what do you say? Are we going to catch up with her, Kenny, before the race or after the race? Probably after the race, probably after

Kenny Bailey<br>:

the race. Yeah. Well, yeah, we'll find out. We'll find out if you know if it's a green light or red light, then we can just talk about that point, about kind of what Plan B is if it's a red light. So maybe we'll go from there. Okay, so

Tom Regal:

sounds good. So cool. Thanks everybody for following along. We really appreciate you send in question, questions, comments, anything you want to know from off a you can just hit us up on Facebook, Instagram. We're out there, and we appreciate the thumbs up and the five stars. That's really good stuff. Thanks for rating that gets the algorithm pops us up a little bit higher, gets more people out to see us, so and hear us. So check us out on the YouTube channel as well. If you have you're listening to this on on just the podcast audio version, because then you'll get to see Rosie, who pops in. Thanks, makes an appearance. So thanks everybody. Thanks. Mafe, good luck and the training. And we will, we will catch up with you soon and catch up with everyone On the next episode you.